website menu by Css3Menu.com
website menu by Css3Menu.com
Business Excellence
- Continuously striving in customers’ satisfactions by excellent quality products and services.
- Practicing good corporate governance and incorporating the fundamental
- principles on which all activities are or should be based: integrity, fair trade, non-discrimination
and equal opportunities.
- Practicing privacy code of conducts to protect customers’ confidential information.
- Working more smartly, responsibly, and professionally to achieve best results by using new
technology and learning from the best practices of others.
Quality Excellence
- Continuing in motivation and improvement of employees’ knowledge and skills.
- Maintaining excellent quality in goods and services.
- Continuing in innovation, development, and new technology to improve productions.
- Delivering products and services in speedy manner and on time.
Health & Safety Policy
Protect the health and safety of our employees, customer, and the public, and to conduct
all activities in an environmentally responsible manner
-Inform everyone in the workplace about the policy
-Involve as many people in the policy development as possible
-IE educate everyone on their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a safe, healthy work-place
-Be clear about who is accountable for what and how this will be established and enforced
-Provide adequate resources to maintain safe standard
-Set up a process for regular review